
Since 1985, we create so-called PurposeBrands - company names and logos with a hidden meaning. Example: the Arrow in the FedEx logo.

(no, we didn't do that one, but it's a great example for how PurposeBrands work.)

Our mothership is a privately owned US company, our founder Marc Flint (born in Germany) lives and works in the Philippines, and we work together closely with great talents of all disciplines from all over the world, just like our client companies.

We only work with and for good people who want to make the world a better place.

If you are one of those and have a decent budget to start making your business dream a reality (or have an already existing brand that needs a refresh), apply for one of our free 30min Brand Coaching Sessions right here, right now:

Apply Here!
  • Hello! We Are
    The Future Brand Agency
  • We create
    Purposeful Brands
    since 1985. (yeah, really.)
  • And we solve
    The 7 biggest Problems
    of Startup Founders.
  • Let's build your
    Future Brand
    today. Together.

The Future of Branding is NOT Artificial Intelligence.

It's Natural Wisdom.

We are NEOWOW.

An international branding boutique agency

with 4 decades of works for 300+ clients,

specialized in creating PurposeBrands.

What We Do

We create unforgettable, unique brands with hidden meanings that, once revealed or understood, "can't be unseen.", creating magical Aha-moments.

Learn more about our WORK.

How we do it

We absorb every facet of life every day and use these mosaic stones to recompile reality into brands that last forever.

Learn more about our METHODS.

Why choose us

We are faster, more affordable, more experienced and also more flexible and compassionate than every other agency we know of.

Learn more about our MAGIC.

Years in Action
Brands created
Happy Clients
different Countries

Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.

Steve Jobs

Hello there!

Please watch this short video message from our founder Marc Flint to learn more about who we are and what we can do for you.

If you then want to meet us personally for a free 30min Brand Coaching Call, simply ...

... apply here!

Happy Partners

We worked for a lot of prestigeous brands. Hundreds of them, actually. Not just for creating brands, but also Future Strategies, Presentations, Product Development, Keynotes, Internal Campaigns, Investor Relations, Event Concepts, Marketing Materials and across pretty much every industry and for every media format on the planet. You see: A lot can happen in 40 years. These are just the top 10% of our clients over all those years.

We create Brands

with hidden Meanings

that are unforgettable

based on your Values

to wow your customers

that last forever

to inspire the World

that make you proud + happy

Not many can do this.
We can do it in just 4-6 weeks.
Because of our 40 years of
Experience in Brand Creation.
WESION, the Vision of WE, is a good example:

What we love to do best

Names + Logos

Since 1985 we create the most engaging, memorable, unique names + logos and help our clients to make them their legacy.

Slogans + Claims

When we created AOL's 1st slogan in the Mid-90s: "Welcome to the Internet", we already had 10 years of practice.

Visions + Philosophies

Without the right kind of philosophy and underlying vision, a brand is me-too, a forgettable commodity. We help you there.

Frameworks + Strategies

To fill your new brand with life, you need the right roadmap. We have worked for all kinds of industries and know what to do.

Funnel Architecture

We were among the first in Europe to create funnels (in 2011 already!). We help you to keep it all simple yet effective.

Presentations + Keynotes

Since 2001, our founder Marc Flint works as a successful speaker. We can build your compelling webinars, speeches, pitches.

Natural Energy Drink for Body and Mind

Product Concept, Branding and Production Guidance, 2005

For an German MLM company we created several product categories. This concept was super-successful and became a flagship product for the company for several years.

Regarding the deeper meaning of these brands: KINETO means "Movement", and GENIO "Spirit", so the names for a natural energy drink for Body and Mind are aptly chosen. The fossil logo stands for timeless ancient wisdom (referring to the natural herbs and healthy ingredients like sage and ginger) and bionic design principles.

You will find a lot more brands and products that we created for the same company along with our general rebranding of it in our "Two Case Studies" PDF that you can ...

Download Here

What are PurposeBrands
and why should you care?

A PurposeBrand is a Name or Logo that has a more or less hidden meaning. It could be the central idea or vision of the founders or the company itself or the respective product or service, its ambition to make the world a better place.

Once the audience has this magical Aha-moment of understanding the revealed inner truth, this revelation and insight ignites the emotional connection with this brand - if its values are in alignment and resonance with the person’s beliefs.

To create a PurposeBrand is a highly sophisticated process that takes a lot of factors into consideration.

That’s why, once established, the magic of a PurposeBrand gives a unique success tool to the company: an “uncompetable” market position and an unforgettable, “can’t be unseen” connection with its customers.

Download our eye-opening PurposeBrand Presentation (PDF) >>>

What we believe in

We envision a global Future full of synergistic collaborations across all cultures, company types, and industries. Powered by the new tools of Web3 and enriched by Human Potential, solving big problems like climate change and world hunger together. A world were everybody has access to ways to make the best of their talents, feed their loved ones, and make the World a bit better.

NEOWOW not only helps companies with unique branding, but actually with a lot more. Creating a future-proof Mindset, for example. Getting ready to face challenges and roadblocks, but always value-based and with impressive financial returns more as a sign that the right things were done the right way.

We advocate Benevolence, Creativity, and a peaceful, optimistic, synergistic economy (that our founder called Synconomy). NEOWOW aims to empower conscious entrepreneurs with purposeful brandings that inspire their customers, their team and themselves to give their best every day. We believe in the worldchanging power of strong brands to unlock unlimited future opportunities.

We think every company and person with the right HEARTset can help create a better Tomorrow. Therefore, our creations are always holisticly aligned with the 5 basic Human Values: Purpose, Growth, Connection, Freedom, and Wealth. You can explore our positions and intentions regarding these values in Marc Flint's beautiful book "The Treasure Map" that you can download for free HERE.

We are always honest and transparent with our clients, team, and stakeholders. We never lie or make stuff up. We face and overcome challenges and roadblocks every day, because that is the way of the Purposepreneur. We admit our mistakes and apologize, rectify them and do no blame-shifting. Ever. Because we love our response-ability. We strive to become better every year. We give freely as much as we can but we also value our and our clients' time and effort.

We treat our clients like our best friends because this is how they can become them. That's why we say NO to clients who treat us or our team disrespectfully. We are always reliable and accessable. We keep our word - and therefore, we only keep clients who do the same. We deliver on time, so we can expect to be paid on time. This is where respect begins and ends because "re-spectare" means "looking back". So if in hindsight a client was "not a good friend", we let them go. Yes, we can.

1 After our first get-together on Zoom where we learned about you and your values, your business plans, company, current problems and what you want us to do to solve them we will create a roadmap of milestones to get to your desired outcome. If you agree with it, we will set up a service contract.

2 As soon as you have paid the Advance Fee, we go to work, and you can expect the first results within only 10 days. We coach you all along the way and even help you prep the Trademark Registration (as far as we as non-lawyers are allowed to do that). You tell us what you like and what you want us to change and we do this until all is great.

3 Only in the end, if and when you are 100% happy with everything we did for you, you pay the rest of the agreed fee - including all future usage rights so you don't have to fear any unannounced obligations down the road.

4 After this final payment has reached us, we will send you an official Ownership Document to transfer the unlimited, complete usage rights of everything we created for you. This concludes our first collaboration, with hopefully some future assignments and recommendations to come.

Brand Creation Process

Brand Strategy

We find out what you want and need. Then we create a roadmap with milestones. If you love it, we proceed. If not, we suggest alternatives. We are always flexible, proactive, laterally thinking about implications from all directions.

Research & Ideation

It gets harder every year to create brands that are still available. But we know how and where to check our ideas (without a lawyer taking away a week you don't have). We only present you ideas that are available. Incl. the best brand classes and www domains.

Brand Registration

Wherever on the planet you are, we can assist you during the whole "making this brand your legal IP" parcour. It's kinda tricky but we do this for so long now that we are confident to get you through this as quickly, easily and affordably as possible.

Our Creations

A t least a few of them. Some of our more wellknown clients are often represented by bigger agencies who cannot afford to keep professional brand builders on their payroll so they hire us to do their work. And then, of course, they sell our work as theirs. And we cannot show it here because of NDAs and stuff. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

B ut we think these examples down there give you a great first taste of what we created so far. More in-depth info about some of those creations, their story and background and meaning you can find in our PurposeBrand Presentation (PDF) which you can download HERE.

Most of these work samples are not illustrated and accurately described yet, this will happen over the next few days (as of March 10th).
But the work for our clients always comes first, so this may take a while. Thanks for your patience.

Why we can do
what others can't.

We are faster, more experienced,
and much more affordable
than all other agencies we know.

Most of our clients become longterm friends and come-again customers, recommend us to their colleagues and often tell us how "life-changing" and enjoyable they found the work with us. Here are some facts that might give you more clarity an why they feel this way.

  • 40 Years of Branding Experience
  • for all company sizes and industries
  • Hundreds of Happy Clients
  • saves time: we do in 6w what others need 6m for
  • saves cash: no overhead or management
  • all-around service, compassionate and professional

For the more human side of the experience, please refer to the testimonials sliding across the sunset in our neighborhood below.
Same beach as the one in this image, btw.
Here, we have our best ideas!

This coming section is still in development (as of March 10th).
Please check back in later. Thank you for your patience.

We solve the 7 biggest problems of Startup Founders!

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Solopreneurs and Startups have a lot of things in common: They want to create value for others, making the world a better place and earning good money in the process.

Problem is: To actually pull this off, you need a lot of building blocks up front that don't earn you a dime for a while but cost money nonetheless: tech setup, website, payment solution, and, yes, a great brand. Because without it, no prospective customer or investor will give you a second glance.

Of course you cannot take 150K for a brand creation out of your 80K total budget. So you try to Canva your way through the bootstrapping phase and wonder why nobody can remember your selfmade brand name or (worse and much more common!): it is already registered as a trademark in your country since 2006 and every trademark lawyer worth their licence just waits for you to hit publish and sue the startup joy out of you.

Listen to Flint's short explainer audio about how NEOWOW solves this problem for you in several ways:

Do you need a PurposeBrand?

Let's find out together. Apply for getting one of the very few weekly slots of a
free 30min Brand Coaching Session
with our agency founder Marc Flint personally. And don't worry: this is NOT a sales call.
If you later become our client, great. If not, also okay. No pressure.
In any case, you walk away much clearer about the Future of your Brand. Promise.

Let's create a Legacy Brand for you that inspires forever!

Great brands become part of people's lives. Loved, recommended, a living, breathing being on its own. Loaded with shared values, expectations, and fulfilled promises.

Legacy brands don't emerge by accident. They are engineered on purpose. Masterfully crafted. Curated and finetuned, charged with excitement, joy, and compassion. Ready to launch your own PurposeBrand? We are waiting for your lifesign.

Get in touch

Feedback over the last 40 years

Thank you for visiting us today.
If you want to meet us personally for a
free 30min Brand Coaching Call,

Apply Here!

And if you simply want to reach out to us:

write us an email

or get in touch with us on ...